Why I started DEFY

I realised I have not talked about this on the website so thought I would share...

I founded DEFY with a simple goal: to make premium wine accessible to everyone. I saw an opportunity to offer a delicious, high-quality wine that could fit seamlessly into people's lives, without the fuss and pretension that often come with wine.
I believe that great wine should speak for itself and that everyone should be able to enjoy it, whether they are connoisseurs or just looking for a quality drink. That's why I don't use wine jargon or talk about grape varieties - because what matters most is the taste and the experience.
But accessibility is not just about taste; it's also about convenience and sustainability. That's why I put DEFY wine in cans, which offer the freedom to drink as much or as little as you like, and to take it with you wherever you go. Cans are also more sustainable, with 60% less CO2 emissions than bottles and infinitely recyclable.
When it comes to wine, taste is obviously important. But it's not the only factor that matters. For many people, the convenience and sustainability of the packaging is just as important. That's why I chose to put DEFY wine in cans.

Cans offer a level of convenience that bottles simply can't match. With cans, you have the freedom to drink as much or as little as you like, without having to worry about wasting any wine. You can easily take the wine with you wherever you go, whether that's to a picnic in the park, a backyard barbecue, or a concert.

But cans are also more sustainable than bottles. They have 60% less CO2 emissions than bottles, both in their production and in their transportation. And when you're done with your can of DEFY wine, you can simply crush it, recycle it, and watch it become a whole new can. In fact, aluminum cans are infinitely recyclable, which means they can be recycled over and over again without losing any of their quality.

By choosing cans for DEFY wine, I'm not just making a practical choice; I'm also making a sustainable one. It's my hope that by offering a delicious, premium wine in a convenient and sustainable package, I can help more people enjoy wine in a way that works for them and for the planet.

DEFY is about redefining the way we enjoy wine - with simplicity, sustainability, and convenience. I created this wine for myself, and it's now resonating with a growing community of like-minded wine lovers who share my vision.